packing up our dreams
Wednesday, March 02, 2011 @ 12:26 AM
26th march 2011 marks the end of the 5 years in Singapore Expo. the place where my church grew and conquered great mountains. part of me cant bear to let it go, the other part of me is excited of what lies ahead for us.
yes, greater things have yet to come.
this is the great army of ushers whom, to be, are the most faithful servants of God.

i will definitely miss this great great bunch of usher leaders whom we served week in, week out with. when times are tough, these are the people, just with their mere presence, encouraged me to keep on keeping on. there will always be a special place for them in my heart <3

my face here looks so sharp! hahahas

susan and i <3

CL (Catherine Lee) Zone <3

One of my Fav Girl <3

some problem with the polaroid photos. no matter how i resize it, it simply refuse to get smaller. hahahs.
there are actually tons of photos somewhere in various ppl camera. hahas. if your face aint here, doesnt mean i dont love u k? simply cos i dont look as good in those photos. hahas. afterall, this is my blog. if i dont look good here, who else will. hahas.
and and and, i got my phone GMASK-ED! Red with White Polka Dots! CUTENESS TTM PLS! i am so in love in my phone! so crazy. hahas got this deal online! made single layer (both front and back) for only $20! so worth it pls!
So cute right? i know. just like the owner. hahahas.
ok enough. i shld go and bathe now. hahahs